I am almost at the end of the finish line, school will be on break soon and I can rest. I have been looking forward to a summer that involves me following my dream and doing what I want to do. Not listening to anyone else but my own advice (besides the good ones). I painted this picture in my head on how this summer will be, what will I accomplish. When in truly, you make plans, God laughs at you; so I am hoping that he is on my side this time. I am planning to work on my photography a little, try and teach myself the basics, after all I taught myself the basics with Dreamweaver, Photoshop and other Adobe programs, so therefore I don't mind learning about something that I am moderately falling in love with to challenge my capabilities. It is like entering a new dimension, a world where no one wants to spill his or her secrets or see what is behind door number 1. Thanks for taking this journey with me, I know I haven't reached far however this has helped me find who and where I want to be. I am still struggling with that question but I am closer to figuring it out.
Location: Hoyt & Schermerhorn in Brooklyn NY
History: Michael Jackson shot the music video "Bad" here.
The movie: Coming to America
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
and so much more!
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